The Superhero Family RV Trip – Day 0

way from home for the next 3 weeks.
Our temporary Superheromobile/home away from home for the next 3 weeks…

So we got the RV home on Wednesday after work and started loading it up! My Grandma Lola, Cousin Joanna, Aunt Virginia, and my Mom (Theresa) all came over to see the RV and help watch the kids while we picked up the RV then proceeded to get it all loaded up. My mom was the trooper staying until at least 10:30 pm and even giving the kids their bath and trying to get them to sleep for us. At 11:00 pm we were done loading for the night, and put everything else that needed to be loaded on the dining room (except all the refrigerated/freezer items since the fridge wasn’t cold yet) table to load it in the morning.

Oh and that reminds me… our neighbors across the way, Dan, Dorothy, and Joe came over to give us a tutorial since they are always going on trips in their RV. We tried to hook up to power at our house, so we could run the A/C and lights while we got loaded, and…. we kept flipping the breaker… so Dan showed us how to use the generator instead to have continuous A/C and lights since we didn’t have a proper outlet to hookup to. He also told us it could take until the morning for the fridge to get cold, and he was right. They also let us borrow their RV DVD since we had never seen it, and they thought it would be fitting for our first RV Trip. We had it playing while we drove into Las Vegas, but I was too busy watching the road to watch the movie, so we still need to watch it.

So at 11:00 pm I started packing my own clothes, I had the rest packed and ready to go, except my clothes and our toiletries, and my hubby had to pack too. After I finished packing, I took a shower at midnight, then made a final list in my Keep Notes (if you haven’t tried that app, let me tell you, it is AMAZING!). I was using OneNote before, until I realized I wasn’t actually logged in with an account that I could see what it was, so I wasn’t able to log into my account from any other devices… so I reluctantly switched to Keep Notes and I am SOOOO Glad I did! Probably my favorite feature is that when you save a link, it shows you the thumbnail, so it’s super easy to see what that link that you saved is going to take you to! The other pretty amazing benefit is that I can access my account from my laptop, and my iPad too…. so I can save notes from anywhere and access them from anywhere too!

After I got into bed at 1:00 am, my hubby still had to take his own shower and give our dog Rinzler (yes, he was named after the character from Tron Legacy) a bath so that he would be nice and clean while he stayed at home during our 3 week road trip. Planned wake up time was 4:00 am… which means I would get 3 whole hours of sleep.