So…you want to know about The Superhero Family?
You’ve come to the right place! The Superhero Family is us, I’m Pricilla and my hubby is Ryan. Together we have 3 beautiful kids, Victoria, Bobby, and Alexandria, two super pups, Rinzler and Sammy, and four super guinea pigs! We are affectionately known as… The Superhero Family. Though if you’ve known us for a while, you know we started out as The Flash Family. So… we decided to buy this domain and start sharing a little bit about our Super lives.
A little history…
The Flash Family was founded May 6, 2012 when we said our vows in front of family and friends. It was a beautiful tropical venue in Camarillo, California named Tropical Paradise. We surprised our guests at the reception when each of our groomsmen unbuttoned their tuxedo shirts to reveal that they were each a different Superhero. Mr and Mrs Flash made an appearance as well, though our logo was on our Flash capes (yes, we know Flash does not have a cape). Even our tables were each specified by a different Superhero logo. Since I was ok with my hubby having a Superhero theme in our tropical wedding, he was ok with replacing the standard colors in the logos with pink and blue to match wedding colors. Sadly… it was really windy and the stands we got for the table markers weren’t strong enough to stay standing. 🙁 So after they tipped over… the logos were put underneath the beautiful sand dishes with candles and shells so they wouldn’t fly away. And as such, they were not captured in our wedding pictures.
Then there were three, then shortly after four…
We kept the theme going by using a Kid Flash baby shirt to announce we were pregnant with our firstborn. Our rescue dog, Rinzler even got a Flash shirt for our announcement. Rinzler… straight out of a movie, was our first “baby”. We rescheduled him shortly after returning from our honeymoon. We used an amazing website Petfinder.com to search for dogs that met our criteria, then scheduled meetings. He was the 5th dog we met, and we knew that he was the one as soon as we met him!
Are we a DC or Marvel family?
All the heroes in this family aren’t necessarily from DC or Marvel, like you might be thinking. Some of our kids favorite toys are from the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons. Though Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from The Transformers are pretty high up on the list. The majority of our figures are DC, especially DC Superhero Girls. Though we do have PLENTY of Marvel and Star Wars figures as well. Did you know that the Star Wars and the He-Man figures our kids play with are originals? Yes, Daddy has held on to his toys after all of these years. And now they are being passed along to our kids. I passed along a Barbie that I had in the box since I was 21, but… both of her hands have fallen off. Hmm… I guess our kids have Super Strength.
And then…
We moved to Visalia, California in 2018 to be closer to Pricilla’s side of the family. While there we went through the Foster to Adopt process because we wanted to grow our family through adoption. After being a resource family for a year in California, and not getting a single placement, when God put it on our hearts to move to a new state for a better future for our children, we up and moved to Oklahoma and now need to start the process to get licensed all over again.
Why adoption?
I had 3 high risk pregnancies, starting with my first at 34 resulting in HELLP Syndrome and an emergency c-section at 36 weeks. My next two pregnancies weren’t as difficult, but both arrived 2 days prior to my scheduled c-sections. At 38 and having 3 kids of our own, we were ready to call it quits on having more of our own. Ryan got a vasectomy so I wouldn’t risk getting PTLS. If you haven’t heard of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome, I highly recommend you look into it before you decide on a Tubal Ligation. So we decided adoption would be a great way to still grow our family, but also help out someone else in the process.
Matched adoption, what is that?
We hadn’t heard about it until we got started on our foster to adoption journey. We think Fostering is wonderful, but think temporary fostering may be difficult for our family. Our ultimate goal for fostering is to hopefully have it lead to adoption. So, we are going the matched route. While we know there is always a chance that even a matched child could end up being reunified, we know that the risk is much lower. The agency we were working with tries to only match children that have a high chance of leading to adoption. It may take us longer to get a match, and we are prepared for the wait. We would love to provide a loving forever home to a little boy aged 2 to 6. Our kids are 21 months and 23 months apart, so we’d love for him to be close in age too. We know that many people adopting are hoping for a baby, a baby girl specifically. So we are happy to take an older child.
So now you know a little more about The Superhero Family, if you would like to share about you, we would love to hear from you!
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