Let’s just say I was with another company for almost 8 years.
Did it change my life? Yes, absolutely! Because of the changes I saw in my health when I started taking supplements from the other company I started paying attention to what went into my body, and how it affected me. I learned so many things about gut health, and blood sugar balance, and inflammation. I have changed out so many products in our house because as I learned more I wanted to make better choices for me and my family. I am all about reading ingredients now, though sometimes we do hit a fast food restaurant and I just get whatever sounds good, because Hello… 80/20, right?
Anyway, I consistently took the products for almost 8 years, and life has changed a lot in the last 1.5 years. We moved across the country, I started working more, still homeschooling, we joined a co-op, we joined a homeschool PE class, we joined American Heritage Girls, I became the Treasurer of our troop, we joined a church that we really love, and now I help out in the nursery. To say life has gotten a lot busier would be an accurate statement. Things changed with the old company in the last couple of years and everything I knew by heart changed and I never quite had the time to learn all the new things. I didn’t share as often, quite honestly, I didn’t share as much about our life anymore either. I had to set priorities and being on social media as much wasn’t as high of a priority as just making sure I stayed on top of everything else going on in our lives.
A couple of months ago I saw some posts about another company that I had never heard of, and this was coming from a person from the original company that I had been following for many years. The things she said really struck home with me. I didn’t just jump ship, I watched for a bit to see if she was really going to stick with it, and to learn more about their products. I have never been able to swallow pills, and this new company has a lot of drink options, so… I was very intrigued. I finally placed an order! It’s not here yet, but I am still trying to be a person of integrity and not start sharing about a new company until I have stopped sharing about the first one so that I’m not cross sharing and doing anything to hurt the first company because I do know those products work and have changed so many lives.
So, I’m starting here. Trying to go through and “clean up” my pages, so when I am ready to share, it’ll all be with the new company. If you were with me at the old company, just know that I won’t have access to your account anymore to help you, but I will save links so that if you do have questions I can still help point you in the right direction for you.
If you are interested in learning more about the products or business opportunity with the new company, we’d love to share more information with you. You can send us a message through our Contact Page or message us through Instagram or Facebook.

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