Coloring Pages

Did you know that you can search for coloring pages online? After failing at an attempt to draw The Hulk for my son to color I decided to search for one and did you know… you can search for almost any character followed by “coloring page” and you’ll get back tons of pages that you can print from your computer to your own printer.

My son likes to color some of the same characters over and over. and he’s really good at staying in the lines for being only 3 years old. So glad I discovered this little hack, especially since I’m not that great of an artist and he could tell that my drawings didn’t look exactly like the character.

Day Moon

Today Bobby asked while we were out playing, “Why can we see the moon during the day?”

So of course, I had to come in and look it up to give him the answer.

“This means that while it is less visible at night, during the daytime, it is more luminous. And there you have it. TheMoon can sometimes appear in the sky during the daytime because it is the closest object to Earth, and because its orbital cycle means that sometimes it is brighter in the daythan at night.”

Why Can We See the Moon During the Day?

Cleaning grimy cabinet tops

Let me start out by saying that we got a really great deal on this house…

When we were looking at houses, I was primarily looking at single story houses, but there weren’t that many that had a big yard, and I really wanted a big yard for my kids and our dog. This one came on the market the night before we were going to tour houses on our list that met most of our criteria. Our realtor was able to get us an appointment to come in and look at it the next day. Even though it was two story, the back yard was exactly what I was looking for, and there was a huge loft upstairs that could be used as a play room, so… we put in an offer and they accepted it!

However… we had a lot of work to do. And one of the things I noticed when I was putting decorations on top of the kitchen cabinets was the layer upon layer of dust… yuck!

But… we’ve been a little busy working, taking care of the kids, and getting everything else around the house in order that this cleanup was left for later.

Now that the painters are almost done, and I can finally put things back in their cabinets, and I had to get up on top of the counter to pull down the glass dishes to put back where they go, I knew I had to just get up there and get it done.

Cleaning isn’t on the top of my list of fun things to do. And cleaning other people’s mess is definitely on my list of things that I prefer not to do. But, we’ve been in this house 7 months now, so… I got up there to get it done.

I first tried to clean with one of the scrubby cloths from Norwex with just water… it didn’t clean up the grime. So… I added dish soap, not Dawn… we like to think of Costco as our grocery store, so we use the Kirkland Dish soap. It would start to get the layers off, but I’d have to climb off the counter to keep rinsing the cloth because it was getting covered in the grime rolls. Plus, there was the little accent that also had dust in it. So… I went upstairs to grab this scrub brush we had, and looked up ways to clean grime off cabinets and decided to try White Vinegar. I used a Norwex Envirocloth with the vinegar and it was working, until the cloth would get coated in grime, then it was just spreading it around. So I started using the scrubby brush with vinegar, until the scrubby brush was covered in grime, and I’d have to get down to wash the brush. The dish soap did great at cleaning the grime off the brush, so I made a combo mixto, mixto combo with Vinegar and Dish soap. That seemed to get a lot of the grime off, but still left the bottom sticky later.. and I did have to keep climbing down to wash off my brush.

The recipe I found that I loved for getting the last layer of grime off was vegetable oil and baking soda. You use one part vegetable oil and 2 parts baking soda. And you just put it on and rub it off with paper towels. I probably went through an entire roll of paper towels, but I got to make much fewer trips off the counter to wash out bowls and brushes and cloths, since I could just throw away the dirty paper towels.

I thought I may be able to skip the vinegar and dish soap step, but the vegetable oil and baking soda alone didn’t do a good job of taking off all the layers of grime.

So… my best combo for cleaning the remaining shelves was to mix vinegar with dish soap, scrub scrub scrub most of the layers off with my scrub brush, then second pass was vegetable oil and baking soda with a paper towel, then I did one last clean up any leftover grime rolls from the corners with a bottle of plant enzyme spray cleaner and a paper towel.

It’s not perfect, but it’s so much better than it used to be. I’m probably going to be really sore tomorrow, but I’m so glad that this is done!

Here are before and afters…

To see it done MUCH faster than it actually took… watch it here!


Le Crueset

We have this cute little red heart shaped Le Crueset dish….

And of course, I don’t use it, because I don’t usually bake anything that small… nor do I know where it is even safe to use. Is it for serving? Can I put it in the oven? Microwave? My preference is microwave since it’s fast and easy.

But, then again, who actually uses a dish this small? It is for a single size serving?

So… I looked it up. And if you have one and don’t know where it is safe to use… then maybe this will help you if you are ever in the need of a super tiny dish to bake a single serving size of something…

“Le Creuset Stoneware is safe for use in the microwave, freezer, refrigerator, dishwasher, oven and broiler. The maximum oven-safe temperature is 500°F / 260°C. The enameled surface is easy to clean and scratch-resistant. The enamel is completely hygienic and will not absorb odors or flavors.”

The more you know…

New shoes…

Bobby just said, “My shoes are saying don’t wear me”.


That’s his way of saying he doesn’t want to wear his shoes. The shoes he chose in the store and decided we should buy. The shoes he ran around in the store in and said they made him run faster. The shoes that he chose based on the picture on the box…. that is nowhere on the actual shoes.

We go through this with Bobby. His clothes are “too fluffly” to wear… that just means they are loose…. he’ll be 4 in December, and is still loving and rocking his 2T shirts…. because “they aren’t fluffly”, so I’ve resorted to buying him 3T shirts in hopes that he’ll be happy to wear them soon since his 2T shirts are almost showing his belly… even with his arms down.


Back to the shoes… a few months back we were in Target looking for new flip flops for him. We tried on at least 10 pairs of shoes… that he didn’t like. Until he decide on the first pair I chose for him, but he liked them now because he chose them…. They were $20 shoes, which I really didn’t want to pay that much, but if it meant he would wear them, especially after me sweating for 20 minutes trying to get him to try on shoes…. I was willing to pay that much. So we bought the shoes and brought them home, then the next opportunity that arose to wear shoes, I asked him to put on his Avengers Sandals…. he wouldn’t wear them. I made him wear them… he said they were “smiking” him…. which I take to mean they hurt him, and I could tell they wouldn’t be hurting him since they were actually a size too big. So…. we ended up returning them. I’ve held on to too many things in hopes that he would change his mind, and he didn’t…. Ryan ended up taking him to Payless and bought him some shark flip flops that he loves… even though they are like 2 sizes too big. But, they were much cheaper, and he wears them.

So… he’s wearing his new tennis shoes to church today… even though he is saying they are “fluffly”. He’s already asked 3 times if he can take them off when we get to church, or when we get in the van… Nope… sorry, today you are wearing your “fluffly” shoes… that YOU chose.

Almond Poppy seed Pancakes

While were at Costco this weekend, Victoria wanted me to buy some poppy seed muffins. I had a great idea to find our own recipe and make them at home. I always prefer to make it myself (if it isn’t too many steps), plus it also allows me to know exactly what I am putting into my and my families bodies. So… being the smart person that I am, I found a recipe on Pinterest, then rather than making the pancakes from scratch, I started with a pancake mix I already had, then added the additional ingredients to it. But… I didn’t bother to read the recipe for the pancakes because I thought I had it memorized… however, I quickly found out that adding 2 cups of water to one cup of pancake mix didn’t make the right consistency… so I read the instructions at that point… they really called for 3/4 cup of water for 1 cup of pancake mix… so I had to add a lot more pancake mix…


So we had plenty of batter for our Air Fryer muffins… regular pancakes… and a poppy seed cake. Needless to say… I’ll be reading the instructions in the future. They were pretty good though. I love adding Almond Extract to recipes now when they call for Vanilla Extract because I found the BEST sugar cookie recipe and it has Almond Extract, I think that’s the ingredient that makes them taste amazing!


This is not how I planned to spend my Sunday… I have plenty to keep me busy, but this is what I am up to right now.

But… In the spirit of saving money and knowing that our Carbonite subscription would be coming up soon, and realizing that their prices have gone up, while their coverage has gone down, I decided to see what else might be out there.

When we originally purchased Carbonite as our “cloud” backup years ago, the price wasn’t too bad, and though you could only backup one computer at a time, you could backup your phone(s), and that’s super important to me since we are on the go so much, and if we happened to lose or break our phone, we have tons and tons of pictures and videos of the family that we wouldn’t want to lose.

So while searching online I found another website (Idrive Online), with a better price, especially with the huge discount they give you on your first year, but even their annual price is going to be less than Carbonite, AND the awesome thing is you can backup as many computers and phones as you want. You are paying for the amount of storage, not just for a single machine that might only have a little bit to backup. (We ended up cancelling our iDrive online subscription because we found a ton of negative reviews. I’m not really sure how it rated so high on a seemingly reliable website.)

So… I decided we should switch, and went through the process of downloading our data off of Carbonite, so we could easily save it to the new website. It took days…. I mean like 4 or 5 days to download all the data. And now that I think about it, that’s probably why we got a notice from Xfinity saying that we had used 90% of our data for the month. Who knew that we had a data limit on our home internet… certainly not us. I mean, we know that we have a limit on our cell phones because we hit that 90% almost every month. The current cycle we managed to hit 75% usage within the first week…. thanks to our children who like to look at pictures on our phones and somehow magically manage to turn off our WiFi, so while we went about life as normal, we had no idea we were using data (my hubby listens to news radio every morning while he gets ready for work… and now he was doing it using our cell phone data plan). We made it through the cycle, since we got the notice like a day before our month was over, now we are still trying to make it through the last week on our cell phone plan and not go over.

So I decided to move the data from Carbonite onto my new laptop since it was packaged all pretty for me, and attempt to try to organize it, but didn’t get too far into the organization when I realized folders were completely empty. Like the ones from our honeymoon… and some other big trips we took so… I’m not really sure what Carbonite was doing, but I’m hoping the actual files still exist on our old laptop so that we haven’t lost them completely. And there were no files from any of my old cell phones.

So once I got the data downloaded, I installed the Idrive Online app onto my phone to start backing up my phone since I now realized Carbonite didn’t have anything backed up from my phone. I still wanted to organize the data on my laptop and try to delete duplicates between both laptops so I didn’t go over my data limit on my new backup program, but… I don’t have time for that just yet, so first priority would be my phone.

I started the backup yesterday morning before we were getting ready to head out to my grandmother’s memorial service, and all was going well. Then I realized it was draining my battery and fast. It backed up my contacts, and was working on backing up the 18k pictures I had saved to my SD card. I love my SD card, or so I thought I did, and as often as I can remember, I try to move my pictures from my phone onto my SD card, and more often, I do it when my phone is low on storage and it won’t let me install a new app or update an existing one. So, it had gotten to about 8k of the pictures and I saw that my phone had less than 40% battery remaining and we had to leave to the memorial service, so I cancelled the backup and cancelled the video backup. I was going to wait until I was back home, plugged in, and hooked back up to WiFi before I let it continue. We jumped in the superhero mobile and headed out to the service. My hubby was asking for directions but my phone was being as slow as molasses and draining even further. I had brought the cord so I plugged it in and tried to pull up Google Maps to get directions but it was taking FOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR to open, then when it finally did open, the keyboard wouldn’t open up. My hubby ended up using his phone to map it to the church, and before we got there I went to the handy section of my phone where I could change the performance and put it on the lowest performance. It actually worked too… the whole time we were at the service, I didn’t even pull my phone out of my purse, and hours later it had only used like 2% of the battery. I did get a text, and it wouldn’t let me response since I was on like major lockdown, but I was glad my phone was still alive. We came home, changed, then went back out again to have dinner with our family who had come to town for my grandma’s memorial service. Then we went to my parents house for the “after party” and my oldest daughter was taking pictures and videos, so I had no idea anything was wrong with my phone.


I decided to update her PurpleStride page to add a picture of her and my mother in love since we are planning to do the annual 5k we do in her honor to raise awareness and money for pancreatic cancer research. When I went to look for the Victoria folder in my gallery, it was nowhere to be found. So I opened the gallery directly instead of going from the website I was on, and sure enough, all my pictures and folders were gone. My heart dropped… I knew I had 18k pictures yesterday and today I had less than 100.

I tried going to the storage area of my phone and it said my SD card was corrupted. 🙁

I hooked my phone up to my computer because I read online that you may be able to save some of the data from your SD card if you hook it up to a computer, rather than just letting the phone format the card to start over. So before church I was able to move some of the folders, and after church I’ve sat here for hours moving more and more folders over. Thankfully, I still have a lot of my pictures. I don’t know what exactly I lost, but it seems like my video folders were completely empty (Snapchat, MSQRD) as well as a couple other folders I decided to move last since I knew they had a ton in them. I’m not sure if the things that are missing were actually already backed up to Idrive, but I did decide that if a picture was really important and special, I probably posted it to Facebook, so… there was comfort in knowing that much.

So, moral of the story. If you don’t backup your phone already, it’s probably a good idea to do so. And if you are going to do so… plan to do it when you have plenty of time to be home, maybe even overnight while you are sleeping so that you don’t run into the problem I did.

I’m still trying to organize the pictures on my computer before I even log into see what was already backed up. I feel like throwing everything into a single folder so I can see what is actually a duplicate so I don’t end up with the same picture multiple times, but… I haven’t actually decided how I’m going to tackle this. I may also be trying to minimalize in the process…. I had throwing things away, but if the picture is really just blurry, there is really just no point in keeping it, right?

I hope your Sunday is a lot more productive than mine.

One great thing about us forgetting our leftovers at my parent’s house last night was that we stopped by today after church to pick them up. And on the way, Victoria said she wanted spaghetti, and I had no meat thawed out, but I was going to have to figure something out. We got to my mom’s and she had leftover spaghetti from the other night when we didn’t make it over for dinner so…. Victoria got her spaghetti, I didn’t have to do any extra work, and it gave me more time to work on my phone.

Back to organizing now… wish me luck!

And as an update, since we used 50% of our Xfinity data for August as well, because it was backing up to Idrive before we figured out Idrive isn’t actually a good backup service (and probably why my phone lost my picture since their app crashed on my phone). So… I think we are going back our old faithful external storage, unless something amazing pops up for a decent price that actually works.

Saving money 💵

We are all about saving money…

Especially when we can just do something simple like link up our credit cards, or take a picture of our receipt or just open an app to get to a website we were already planning to go to and we get money back by clicking the link through the app.

This week we found this new website where we can get money for saving energy!

Tonight is our first time “powering down” for an hour, and since it’s pretty warm inside without any electricity, we came outside to play.

I think this is going to be fun!

We played Red Light, Green Light in the trampoline, it was a short game…

Then we played Simon Says. Victoria was pretty good and only did a couple if the things I said without saying Simon Says, but poor Bobby… he did every thing I said… even when I didn’t say Simon Says… Oops! He just learned the game today, so I’m sure he’ll catch on soon.

Alexandria had fun unloading dirt from the sand bucket and getting nice and dirty… especially since today was bath day.

I accidentally turned on the light when I went to the restroom (we don’t have windows in the bathroom downstairs) and Victoria did the same a few minutes later, until I came in and turned on the flashlight on my phone so she could still see. She questioned why it was ok for me to use my phone when we were trying to save power, so I shared that my phone was powered by a battery.

Now that we can use power again, we are enjoying some Sophia the First with the lights turned off… let’s see if we can get our power bill back down. It went up pretty steeply between our last two bills.

Also, I don’t even know if we’ll get paid for tonight, but it was good exercise anyway. I think we have to wait for our power bill to approve our submission, but we got our Nest Thermostats connected and I think we have some points or tokens in our account. If you don’t have Nest… I highly recommend both their thermostats as well as their cameras! Our home isn’t completely “smart” but it’s partially smart. 🙂

Turkey Chili – Instant Pot Style

I made turkey chili a week or so ago and all three kids loved it!

When I started talking to Victoria about what she thinks would be good lunches to take to school, she had chili on her list 😁.

So… I was happy to add this recipe to my new list of go to recipes the family loves. It’s so easy too! You can certainly tweak it to make it your own, but this is how I made mine.

First, I set my Instant Pot to Saute – Normal, added some garlic powder, season salt, and onion powder in and browned my ground turkey 🦃 (I don’t know if it’s really “browned” since it goes from pink to white… But you know what I mean). After the turkey is cooked and I’ve used my spoon to break it into smaller chunks, I hit the cancel button to turn it off.

I ended up adding some pepper too, but it was after I took the picture. 🖼️

I then added a full can of diced tomatoes, a can of sweet corn (drained), a can of tomato paste, a corn sized can of water, two cans of black beans (rinsed until they ran clear), and seasonings (oregano, chili powder, cumin, and cayenne).

Stirred it up, closed the lid, made sure the lid was sealed, then did manual cook for 20 minutes.

Once your timer tells you it’s done, it still has pressure, say I throw a towel over the vent, twist the vent open, then walk away while the steam escapes for a few minutes (and doesn’t splatter all over my cabinets because of my handy towel). After the pin has dropped, it’s ready to open and enjoy!

It was delicious… And Alexandria thoroughly enjoyed it… So did her face… And her hair 🤦‍♀️

I didn’t measure anything… Just sprinkled in however much I thought looked good, I’ll try to provide estimates below. 😉

I used about a teaspoon of the garlic powder, seasoning salt, and onion powder. 

I used about half a teaspoon of the pepper, cilantro, cumin, and cayenne pepper.

I used about 2 tablespoons of the chili powder.

I’ll try to take more accurate measurements next time.

Chillier than the Fortress of Solitude Chili Corn Dip Recipe

Someone made this recipe at my work years ago, and it was delicious! So I’ve made it for parties here and there and it’s always been a hit. And even if it wasn’t… My hubby and I love it, so we don’t mind having leftovers 😂

But… Clearly I thought it had cream cheese in it, when I laid out the ingredients, when the original recipe actually didn’t have it, so I made it my own. 😉 And instead of buying the already diced jalapeños, I bought the huge Costco can and chopped them myself… I always love a bargain, and my hubby loves jalapeños anyway, so they won’t go to waste.

And, I’m making this recipe for mom’s group bunco night at my place, and we are doing a superhero theme, so I had to give the title a super twist.

Chile Corn Dip


(3) 11 oz cans Green Giant Mexicorn (Sweet corn & diced peppers), drained

7 oz can chopped green chilies, drained

6 oz can chopped jalapenos, drain liquid into another container, so you can add as much liquid to suit your tastes

1 cup green onion, choped

1 cup mayonnaise

8 oz container sour cream

1/2 cup cream cheese

1 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

16 oz package shredded cheese (I used Cheddar Jack)

Tortilla Chips


Mix all ingredients, except tortilla chips together and refrigerate. Serve with tortilla chips.

And… I saw that the Mexicorn had box tops on it! Score! Especially since my oldest is starting kindergarten next month! 🙌